aloe vera skincare

Why You Should Incorporate Aloe Vera in Your Beauty Routine

Aloe vera's organic, restorative, and therapeutic capabilities have been recognized in Ayurveda for thousands of years. It has been widely known as the “miracle plant” and even the “plant of immortality” by the ancient Egyptians for its regenerative properties. In Sanskrit, the plant is known as Kumari, which means "young girl," since it is thought to give women youth.

There are hundreds of varieties of aloe vera. However, only one — aloe barbadensis— is believed to possess the greatest healing properties and, thus, the greatest benefits for your skin. This resilient plant is cultivated in dry regions across Southern Italy and is recognized for its many health advantages, both inside and out.

Without a doubt, aloe vera is a potent skin superfood you should include in your skincare routine if you want glowing, youthful-looking skin.

aloe vera skincare

Why Should You Use Aloe Vera in Your Skincare Routine?

Aloe vera is a desert botanical and has evolved to protect itself against harsh conditions in these environments. As such, cold-pressed aloe vera is high in vitamins, phytonutrients, and antioxidants that protect the plant and likewise offer therapeutic and anti-aging features for your skin. 

Aloe vera gel is derived from the inner leaf of the plant and must be carefully harvested and processed in order to retain its potency. At Prato Botanico, our aloe vera is sustainably harvested and extracted by expert organic farmers within 2-3 hours of picking to produce maximum efficacy. Anyone who has applied a cold coating of aloe vera gel to a sunburn knows how soothing it feels, but this natural plant has other uses as well.

Natural healers have employed aloe vera for its anti-inflammatory, emollient, antibacterial, and antiviral qualities for millennia. Aside from its traditional medicinal usage, utilizing cold-pressed aloe-based skincare products — such as cleansers and moisturizers — is a terrific method to hydrate, soothe, and renew your skin.

Here are some of the reasons why you should make it a year-round part of your skincare regimen.

Moisturizes Your Skin

Aloe vera aids in the hydration of dry skin. It's a humectant, which means it absorbs moisture into the top layers of the epidermis to hydrate (draw water in) and make the skin appear plumper. If your skin is tight, dry, or itchy, use aloe vera as a moisturizer on your body or face. 

If you are a person with more oily skin, never fear. Aloe vera also possesses astringent properties that draw excess oil and impurities from inside the pores. It likewise absorbs oils on the surface of the skin that can contribute to acne and blemishes. In fact, all skin types can benefit from the balancing elements of aloe vera for a more clear, more hydrated complexion.  

Helps Reduce the Signs of Aging

Aloe vera includes contains 75 potentially active components (vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, etc.). It is especially rich in antioxidant-rich vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential in improving the look and health of your skin. These vitamins, along with B12, choline and folic acid, have antioxidant capabilities that may help protect against solar and free radical damage. 

Anti-Inflammatory Properties Reduce Redness

Because of its capacity to combat inflammation, decrease redness, and increase suppleness, aloe vera is a natural ally in the battle against uneven skin tone. Red or irritated areas treated with aloe vera usually diminish over time, revealing smooth, even skin.

Fights Free Radicals

Antioxidants destroy free radicals by giving an electron, preventing them from reproducing in your skin. Aloe vera is a natural warrior in the battle against free radicals since it is high in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

Improves Wound Healing and Helps Prevent Acne

Aloe vera is now well recognized as a helpful treatment for burns, wounds, and other ailments. This is because aloe vera promotes wound healing via its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a natural antiseptic. If you suffer from the occasional (or not so occasional breakout), aloe vera can be tremendously helpful in keeping acne under control.

Even if your acne isn’t bothering you right now, those scars might linger for years. Aloe vera gel can help stimulate collagen formation in the skin, which decreases the appearance of scars.

Assists in Sunburn Relief

Aloe vera gel contains anti-inflammatory and cooling effects. As a result, it is considered one of the most natural remedies for sunburned or burnt skin. When applied to the skin, this gel forms a protective layer and aids in moisture retention. It is high in antioxidants and minerals, which greatly help the healing process.

Exfoliates Naturally and Gently

Aloe vera contains a natural and gentle amount of salicylic acid that aids in the removal of dead skin cells and harmful microorganisms from your face. It exfoliates softly and generally does not irritate skin.

Suitable For the Majority of Individuals With Sensitive Skin

Aloe vera gel is made entirely of natural ingredients in its purest form, making it a fantastic go-to treatment for many individuals who are concerned about using chemicals on their skin. Just be sure to test a little bit on your wrist or the inside portion of your arm before applying it to your face to ensure you aren't allergic to the plant itself.

Despite its healing properties, you may be asking whether it is safe to use aloe vera daily. The answer is yes. When used appropriately, aloe vera may aid in the treatment of a range of skin issues.

How to Find Products with Pure Aloe Vera 

Finding products with pure or “active” aloe vera is important. Many products on the market today use powdered aloe vera, which contains only a fraction of the vitamins, minerals and benefits of pure aloe vera. 

Like any plant, aloe vera begins to lose vitamins and minerals within hours of being harvested and must be processed quickly in order to ensure maximum efficacy. When buying a skincare product with aloe vera, you should do your research to determine the method of processing and how quickly the aloe vera is preserved after harvesting. Otherwise, you may find yourself with a less effective product that provides fewer benefits.

At Prato Botanico, we use careful harvesting methods that preserve the precious and active vitamins, minerals and enzymes of the aloe vera plant to ensure highly effective skincare products for our clients. Our aloe vera leaves are only harvested when the plant reaches a mature age, and we maintain a very short distance from our organic farm to our production facility. This allows us to provide highly efficacious skincare products that make a meaningful difference in the look and feel of your skin.

Prato Botanico aloe vera


There are a myriad of benefits to using aloe vera in your skincare routine. It will leave your skin feeling moisturized and looking more youthful over time. If you aren't currently including aloe vera into your skincare routine, we recommend finding the highest-quality brands containing pure aloe vera. It will undoubtedly promote healthier, brighter skin and will become a staple in your organic skincare routine


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